Britannia Strategy Trader can execute trading systems generated with popular development engines (including TradeStation and MultiCharts) or TradingMotion SDK and also allows bespoke solutions to integrate different development platforms and trading signal sources. Contact us to discuss your automation requirements.
Britannia Strategy Trader connects to major Futures Exchanges via Trading Technologies and CQG API.
VisualChart, TradeStation and MultiCharts codes can also run on our servers to remove the risk when strategies are run on personal/local machines (i.e. software failure, loss of power or loss of internet connection).
TradingMotion Standard Development Kit (SDK) is a set of libraries and tools that allow developers to create professional algorithmic trading strategies. TradingMotion SDK is built on top of Microsoft .NET platform, so strategies can be developed in C# and Visual Basic .NET and is fully integrated with Visual Studio platform through a set of ready-to-go templates.